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Bare Act: Section 94 to Section 110 of The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS)| Search Warrant


A.—Summons to produce

Section 94 of The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS):

Summons to produce document or other thing.

(1) Whenever any Court or any officer in charge of a police station considers that the production of any document, electronic communication, including communication devices, which is likely to contain digital evidence or other thing is necessary or desirable for the purposes of any investigation, inquiry, trial or other proceeding under this Sanhita by or before such Court or officer, such Court may issue a summons or such officer may, by a written order, either in physical form or in electronic form, require the person in whose possession or power such document or thing is believed to be, to attend and produce it, or to produce it, at the time and place stated in the summons or order.

(2) Any person required under this section merely to produce a document, or other thing shall be deemed to have complied with the requisition if he causes such document or thing to be produced instead of attending personally to produce the same.

(3) Nothing in this section shall be deemed—

(a) to affect sections 129 and 130 of the Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023 or

the Bankers' Books Evidence Act, 1891; or

(b) to apply to a letter, postcard, or other document or any parcel or thing in the custody of the postal authority.

Section 95 of The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS):

Procedure as to letters.

(1) If any document, parcel or thing in the custody of a postal authority is, in the opinion of the District Magistrate, Chief Judicial Magistrate, Court of Session or High Court wanted for the purpose of any investigation, inquiry, trial or other proceeding under this Sanhita, such Magistrate or Court may require the postal authority to deliver the document, parcel or thing to such person as the Magistrate or Court directs.

(2) If any such document, parcel or thing is, in the opinion of any other Magistrate, whether Executive or Judicial, or of any Commissioner of Police or District Superintendent of Police, wanted for any such purpose, he may require the postal authority to cause search to be made for and to detain such document, parcel or thing pending the order of a District Magistrate, Chief Judicial Magistrate or Court under sub-section (1).


Section 96 of The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS):

When searchwarrant may be issued.

(1) Where—

(a) any Court has reason to believe that a person to whom a summons order under section 94 or a requisition under sub-section (1) of section 95 has been, or might be, addressed, will not or would not produce the document or thing as required by such summons or requisition; or

(b) such document or thing is not known to the Court to be in the possession of any person; or

(c) the Court considers that the purposes of any inquiry, trial or other proceeding under this Sanhita will be served by a general search or inspection,

it may issue a search-warrant; and the person to whom such warrant is directed, may search or inspect in accordance therewith and the provisions hereinafter contained.

(2) The Court may, if it thinks fit, specify in the warrant the particular place or part thereof to which only the search or inspection shall extend; and the person charged with the execution of such warrant shall then search or inspect only the place or part so specified.

(3) Nothing contained in this section shall authorise any Magistrate other than a District Magistrate or Chief Judicial Magistrate to grant a warrant to search for a document, parcel or other thing in the custody of the postal authority.

Section 97 of The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS), Bare Act:

Search of place suspected to contain stolen property, forged documents, etc.

(1) If a District Magistrate, Sub-divisional Magistrate or Magistrate of the first class, upon information and after such inquiry as he thinks necessary, has reason to believe that any place is used for the deposit or sale of stolen property, or for the deposit, sale or production of any objectionable article to which this section applies, or that any such objectionable article is deposited in any place, he may by warrant authorise any police officer above the rank of a constable—

(a) to enter, with such assistance as may be required, such place;

(b) to search the same in the manner specified in the warrant;

(c) to take possession of any property or article therein found which he reasonably suspects to be stolen property or objectionable article to which this section applies;

(d) to convey such property or article before a Magistrate, or to guard the same

on the spot until the offender is taken before a Magistrate, or otherwise to dispose of it in some place of safety;

(e) to take into custody and carry before a Magistrate every person found in such place who appears to have been privy to the deposit, sale or production of any such property or article knowing or having reasonable cause to suspect it to be stolen property or, as the case may be, objectionable article to which this section applies.

(2) The objectionable articles to which this section applies are—

(a) counterfeit coin;

(b) pieces of metal made in contravention of the Coinage Act, 2011, or brought into India in contravention of any notification for the time being in force issued under section 11 of the Customs Act, 1962;

(c) counterfeit currency note; counterfeit stamps;

(d) forged documents;

(e) false seals;

(f) obscene objects referred to in section 294 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023;

(g) instruments or materials used for the production of any of the articles mentioned in clauses (a) to (f).

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Section 98 of The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS):

Power to declare certain publications forfeited and to issue searchwarrants for same.

(1) Where—

(a) any newspaper, or book; or

(b) any document,

wherever printed, appears to the State Government to contain any matter the publication of which is punishable under section 152 or section 196 or section 197 or section 294 or section 295 or section 299 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023, the State Government may, by notification, stating the grounds of its opinion, declare every copy of the issue of the newspaper containing such matter, and every copy of such book or other document to be forfeited to Government, and thereupon any police officer may seize the same wherever found in India and any Magistrate may by warrant authorise any police officer not below the rank of sub-inspector to enter upon and search for the same in any premises where any copy of such issue, or any such book or other document may be or may be reasonably suspected to be.

(2) In this section and in section 99,—

(a) "newspaper" and "book" have the same meaning as in the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867;

(b) "document" includes any painting, drawing or photograph, or other visible representation.

(3) No order passed or action taken under this section shall be called in question in any Court otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of section 99.

Section 99 of The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS):

Application to High Court to set aside declaration of forfeiture.

(1) Any person having any interest in any newspaper, book or other document, in respect of which a declaration of forfeiture has been made under section 98, may, within two months from the date of publication in the Official Gazette of such declaration, apply to the High Court to set aside such declaration on the ground that the issue of the newspaper, or

the book or other document, in respect of which the declaration was made, did not contain

any such matter as is referred to in sub-section (1) of section 98.

(2) Every such application shall, where the High Court consists of three or more Judges, be heard and determined by a Special Bench of the High Court composed of three Judges and where the High Court consists of less than three Judges, such Special Bench

shall be composed of all the Judges of that High Court.

(3) On the hearing of any such application with reference to any newspaper, any copy of such newspaper may be given in evidence in aid of the proof of the nature or tendency of the words, signs or visible representations contained in such newspaper, in respect of

which the declaration of forfeiture was made.

(4) The High Court shall, if it is not satisfied that the issue of the newspaper, or the book or other document, in respect of which the application has been made, contained any such matter as is referred to in sub-section (1) of section 98, set aside the declaration of forfeiture.

(5) Where there is a difference of opinion among the Judges forming the Special Bench, the decision shall be in accordance with the opinion of the majority of those Judges.

Section 100 of The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS):

Search for persons wrongfully confined.

If any District Magistrate, Sub-divisional Magistrate or Magistrate of the first class has reason to believe that any person is confined under such circumstances that the confinement amounts to an offence, he may issue a search-warrant, and the person to

whom such warrant is directed may search for the person so confined; and such search shall be made in accordance therewith, and the person, if found, shall be immediately taken before a Magistrate, who shall make such order as in the circumstances of the case seems proper.

Section 101 of The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS):

Power to compel restoration of abducted females.

Upon complaint made on oath of the abduction or unlawful detention of a woman, or a female child for any unlawful purpose, a District Magistrate, Sub-divisional Magistrate or Magistrate of the first class may make an order for the immediate restoration of such woman to her liberty, or of such female child to her parent, guardian or other person having the lawful charge of such child, and may compel compliance with such order, using such force as may be necessary.

Section 102 of The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS):

Direction, etc., of searchwarrants.

The provisions of sections 32, 72, 74, 76, 79, 80 and 81 shall, so far as may be, apply to all search-warrants issued under section 96, section 97, section 98 or section 100.

Section 103 of The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS):

Persons in charge of closed place to allow search.

(1) Whenever any place liable to search or inspection under this Chapter is closed, any person residing in, or being in charge of, such place, shall, on demand of the officer or other person executing the warrant, and on production of the warrant, allow him

free ingress thereto, and afford all reasonable facilities for a search therein.

(2) If ingress into such place cannot be so obtained, the officer or other person

executing the warrant may proceed in the manner provided by sub-section (2) of section 44.

(3) Where any person in or about such place is reasonably suspected of concealing about his person any article for which search should be made, such person may be searched and if such person is a woman, the search shall be made by another woman with strict

regard to decency.

(4) Before making a search under this Chapter, the officer or other person about to make it shall call upon two or more independent and respectable inhabitants of the locality in which the place to be searched is situate or of any other locality if no such inhabitant of the said locality is available or is willing to be a witness to the search, to attend and witness the search and may issue an order in writing to them or any of them so to do.

(5) The search shall be made in their presence, and a list of all things seized in the course of such search and of the places in which they are respectively found shall be prepared by such officer or other person and signed by such witnesses; but no person witnessing a search under this section shall be required to attend the Court as a witness of the search unless specially summoned by it.

(6) The occupant of the place searched, or some person in his behalf, shall, in every instance, be permitted to attend during the search, and a copy of the list prepared under this section, signed by the said witnesses, shall be delivered to such occupant or person.

(7) When any person is searched under sub-section (3), a list of all things taken possession of shall be prepared, and a copy thereof shall be delivered to such person.

(8) Any person who, without reasonable cause, refuses or neglects to attend and witness a search under this section, when called upon to do so by an order in writing delivered or tendered to him, shall be deemed to have committed an offence under section 222 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023.

Section 104 of The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS):

Disposal of things found in search beyond jurisdiction.

When, in the execution of a search-warrant at any place beyond the local jurisdiction of the Court which issued the same, any of the things for which search is made, are found, such things, together with the list of the same prepared under the provisions hereinafter contained, shall be immediately taken before the Court issuing the warrant, unless such place is nearer to the Magistrate having jurisdiction therein than to such Court, in which case the list and things shall be immediately taken before such Magistrate; and, unless there be good cause to the contrary, such Magistrate shall make an order authorising them to be taken to such Court.


Section 105 of The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS):

Recording of search and seizure through audiovideo electronic means.

The process of conducting search of a place or taking possession of any property, article or thing under this Chapter or under section 185, including preparation of the list of

all things seized in the course of such search and seizure and signing of such list by witnesses, shall be recorded through any audio-video electronic means preferably cell phone and the police officer shall without delay forward such recording to the District Magistrate, Sub-divisional Magistrate or Judicial Magistrate of the first class.

Section 106 of The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS):

Power of police officer to seize certain property.

(1) Any police officer may seize any property which may be alleged or suspected

to have been stolen, or which may be found under circumstances which create suspicion of

the commission of any offence.

(2) Such police officer, if subordinate to the officer in charge of a police station, shall forthwith report the seizure to that officer.

(3) Every police officer acting under sub-section (1) shall forthwith report the seizure

to the Magistrate having jurisdiction and where the property seized is such that it cannot be conveniently transported to the Court, or where there is difficulty in securing proper accommodation for the custody of such property, or where the continued retention of the property in police custody may not be considered necessary for the purpose of investigation, he may give custody thereof to any person on his executing a bond undertaking to produce

the property before the Court as and when required and to give effect to the further orders

of the Court as to the disposal of the same:

Provided that where the property seized under sub-section (1) is subject to speedy

and natural decay and if the person entitled to the possession of such property is unknown

or absent and the value of such property is less than five hundred rupees, it may forthwith

be sold by auction under the orders of the Superintendent of Police and the provisions of sections 503 and 504 shall, as nearly as may be practicable, apply to the net proceeds of such sale.

Section 107 of The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS):

Attachment, forfeiture or restoration of property.

(1) Where a police officer making an investigation has reason to believe that any property is derived or obtained, directly or indirectly, as a result of a criminal activity or from the commission of any offence, he may, with the approval of the Superintendent of Police or Commissioner of Police, make an application to the Court or the Judicial Magistrate exercising jurisdiction to take cognizance of the offence or commit for trial or try the case, for the attachment of such property.

(2) If the Court or the Magistrate has reasons to believe, whether before or after taking evidence, that all or any of such properties are proceeds of crime, the Court or the Magistrate may issue a notice upon such person calling upon him to show cause within a period of fourteen days as to why an order of attachment shall not be made.

(3) Where the notice issued to any person under sub-section (2) specifies any property as being held by any other person on behalf of such person, a copy of the notice shall also be served upon such other person.

(4) The Court or the Magistrate may, after considering the explanation, if any, to the show-cause notice issued under sub-section (2) and the material fact available before such Court or Magistrate and after giving a reasonable opportunity of being heard to such person or persons, may pass an order of attachment, in respect of those properties which are found to be the proceeds of crime:

Provided that if such person does not appear before the Court or the Magistrate or represent his case before the Court or Magistrate within a period of fourteen days specified in the show-cause notice, the Court or the Magistrate may proceed to pass the ex parte order.

(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (2), if the Court or the Magistrate is of the opinion that issuance of notice under the said sub-section would defeat the object of attachment or seizure, the Court or Magistrate may by an interim order passed ex parte direct attachment or seizure of such property, and such order shall remain in force till an order under sub-section (6) is passed.

(6) If the Court or the Magistrate finds the attached or seized properties to be the proceeds of crime, the Court or the Magistrate shall by order direct the District Magistrate to rateably distribute such proceeds of crime to the persons who are affected by such crime.

(7) On receipt of an order passed under sub-section (6), the District Magistrate shall, within a period of sixty days distribute the proceeds of crime either by himself or authorise any officer subordinate to him to effect such distribution.

(8) If there are no claimants to receive such proceeds or no claimant is ascertainable or there is any surplus after satisfying the claimants, such proceeds of crime shall stand forfeited to the Government.

Section 108 BNSS| Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS):

Magistrate may direct search in his presence.

Any Magistrate may direct a search to be made in his presence of any place for the search of which he is competent to issue a search-warrant.

Section 108 of The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS):

Magistrate may direct search in his presence.

Any Magistrate may direct a search to be made in his presence of any place for the search of which he is competent to issue a search-warrant.

Section 109 of The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS):

Power to impound document, etc., produced.

Any Court may, if it thinks fit, impound any document or thing produced before it under this Sanhita.

Section 110 of The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha (BNSS):

Reciprocal arrangements regarding processes.

(1) Where a Court in the territories to which this Sanhita extends (hereafter in this section referred to as the said territories) desires that—

(a) a summons to an accused person; or

(b) a warrant for the arrest of an accused person; or

(c) a summons to any person requiring him to attend and produce a document or other thing, or to produce it; or

(d) a search- warrant,

issued by it shall be served or executed at any place,—

(i) within the local jurisdiction of a Court in any State or area in India outside the said territories, it may send such summons or warrant in duplicate by post or otherwise,

to the presiding officer of that Court to be served or executed; and where any summons referred to in clause (a) or clause (c) has been so served, the provisions of section 70 shall apply in relation to such summons as if the presiding officer of the Court to whom it is sent were a Magistrate in the said territories;

(ii) in any country or place outside India in respect of which arrangements have been made by the Central Government with the Government of such country or place for service or execution of summons or warrant in relation to criminal matters (hereafter

in this section referred to as the contracting State), it may send such summons or warrant in duplicate in such form, directed to such Court, Judge or Magistrate, and send to such authority for transmission, as the Central Government may, by notification, specify in this behalf.

(2) Where a Court in the said territories has received for service or execution—

(a) a summons to an accused person; or

(b) a warrant for the arrest of an accused person; or

(c) a summons to any person requiring him to attend and produce a document

or other thing, or to produce it; or

(d) a search-warrant, issued by—

(I) a Court in any State or area in India outside the said territories;

(II) a Court, Judge or Magistrate in a contracting State,

it shall cause the same to be served or executed as if it were a summons or warrant received by it from another Court in the said territories for service or execution within its local jurisdiction; and where—

(i) a warrant of arrest has been executed, the person arrested shall, so far as possible, be dealt with in accordance with the procedure specified by sections 82 and 83;

(ii) a search-warrant has been executed, the things found in the search shall, so far as possible, be dealt with in accordance with the procedure specified by section 104:

Provided that in a case where a summons or search-warrant received from a contracting State has been executed, the documents or things produced or things found in the search shall be forwarded to the Court issuing the summons or search-warrant through such authority as the Central Government may, by notification, specify in this behalf.

Links to important sections of Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS):

Section 30 to Section 40 of BNSS (Provisions relating to Arrest starting from Section 35):

Section 144-163 (Section 144,145,146 and 147 relate maintenance proceedings):

Section 173-Section 187 (including section 173 relating to FIR):

Section 188 to Section 209 (including section 193 relating to chargesheet/police report):

Section 210 to Section 222 (including provisions relating to cognizance):

Section 473 to Section 492) (Including Section 480, Section 481, Section 482, Section 483, Section 484, Section 485 that is, provisions relating to bail):

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