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Section 140 BNSS to Section 143 BNSS| Section 141 BNSS| Section 142 BNSS

Section 140 of The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS):

Power to reject sureties.

 (1) A Magistrate may refuse to accept any surety offered, or may reject any surety previously accepted by him or his predecessor under this Chapter on the ground that such surety is an unfit person for the purposes of the bail bond:

Provided that before so refusing to accept or rejecting any such surety, he shall either himself hold an inquiry on oath into the fitness of the surety, or cause such inquiry to be held and a report to be made thereon by a Magistrate subordinate to him.

(2) Such Magistrate shall, before holding the inquiry, give reasonable notice to the surety and to the person by whom the surety was offered and shall, in making the inquiry, record the substance of the evidence adduced before him.

(3) If the Magistrate is satisfied, after considering the evidence so adduced either before him or before a Magistrate deputed under sub-section (1), and the report of such Magistrate (if any), that the surety is an unfit person for the purposes of the bail bond, he shall make an order refusing to accept or rejecting, as the case may be, such surety and recording his reasons for so doing:

Provided that before making an order rejecting any surety who has previously been accepted, the Magistrate shall issue his summons or warrant, as he thinks fit, and cause the person for whom the surety is bound to appear or to be brought before him.

Section 141 of The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS):

Imprisonment in default of security.

(1) (a) If any person ordered to give security under section 125 or section 136 does not give such security on or before the date on which the period for which such security is to be given commences, he shall, except in the case next hereinafter mentioned, be committed to prison, or, if he is already in prison, be detained in prison until such period expires or until within such period he gives the security to the Court or Magistrate who made the order requiring it;

(b) if any person after having executed a bond or bail bond for keeping the peace in pursuance of an order of a Magistrate under section 136, is proved, to the satisfaction of such Magistrate or his successor-in-office, to have committed breach of the bond or bail bond, such Magistrate or successor-in-office may, after recording the grounds of such proof, order that the person be arrested and detained in prison until the expiry of the period of the bond or bail bond and such order shall be without prejudice to any other punishment or forfeiture to which the said person may be liable in accordance with law.

(2) When such person has been ordered by a Magistrate to give security for a period exceeding one year, such Magistrate shall, if such person does not give such security as aforesaid, issue a warrant directing him to be detained in prison pending the orders of the Sessions Judge and the proceedings shall be laid, as soon as conveniently may be, before such Court.

(3) Such Court, after examining such proceedings and requiring from the Magistrate any further information or evidence which it thinks necessary, and after giving the concerned person a reasonable opportunity of being heard, may pass such order on the case as it thinks fit:

Provided that the period (if any) for which any person is imprisoned for failure to give security shall not exceed three years.

(4) If security has been required in the course of the same proceeding from two or more persons in respect of any one of whom the proceedings are referred to the Sessions Judge under sub-section (2) such reference shall also include the case of any other of such persons who has been ordered to give security, and the provisions of sub-sections (2) and (3) shall, in that event, apply to the case of such other person also, except that the period (if any) for which he may be imprisoned, shall not exceed the period for which he was ordered to give security.

(5) A Sessions Judge may in his discretion transfer any proceedings laid before him under sub-section (2) or sub-section (4) to an Additional Sessions Judge and upon such transfer, such Additional Sessions Judge may exercise the powers of a Sessions Judge under this section in respect of such proceedings.

(6) If the security is tendered to the officer in charge of the jail, he shall forthwith refer the matter to the Court or Magistrate who made the order, and shall await the orders of such Court or Magistrate.

(7) Imprisonment for failure to give security for keeping the peace shall be simple.

(8) Imprisonment for failure to give security for good behaviour shall, where the proceedings have been taken under section 127, be simple, and, where the proceedings have been taken under section 128 or section 129, be rigorous or simple as the Court or Magistrate in each case directs.

Section 142 of The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS):

Power to release persons imprisoned for failing to give security.

(1) Whenever the District Magistrate in the case of an order passed by an Executive Magistrate under section 136, or the Chief Judicial Magistrate in any other case is of opinion that any person imprisoned for failing to give security under this Chapter may be released without hazard to the community or to any other person, he may order such person to be discharged.

(2) Whenever any person has been imprisoned for failing to give security under this Chapter, the High Court or Court of Session, or, where the order was made by any other Court, District Magistrate, in the case of an order passed by an Executive Magistrate under section 136, or the Chief Judicial Magistrate in any other case, may make an order reducing the amount of the security or the number of sureties or the time for which security has been required.

(3) An order under sub-section (1) may direct the discharge of such person either without conditions or upon any conditions which such person accepts:

Provided that any condition imposed shall cease to be operative when the period for which such person was ordered to give security has expired.

(4) The State Government may prescribe the conditions upon which a conditional discharge may be made.

(5) If any condition upon which any person has been discharged is, in the opinion of District Magistrate, in the case of an order passed by an Executive Magistrate under section 136, or the Chief Judicial Magistrate in any other case by whom the order of discharge was made or of his successor, not fulfilled, he may cancel the same.

(6) When a conditional order of discharge has been cancelled under sub-section (5), such person may be arrested by any police officer without warrant, and shall thereupon be produced before the District Magistrate, in the case of an order passed by an Executive Magistrate under section 136, or the Chief Judicial Magistrate in any other case.

(7) Unless such person gives security in accordance with the terms of the original order for the unexpired portion of the term for which he was in the first instance committed

or ordered to be detained (such portion being deemed to be a period equal to the period between the date of the breach of the conditions of discharge and the date on which, except for such conditional discharge, he would have been entitled to release), District Magistrate, 5 in the case of an order passed by an Executive Magistrate under section 136, or the Chief Judicial Magistrate in any other case may remand such person to prison to undergo such unexpired portion.

(8) A person remanded to prison under sub-section (7) shall, subject to the provisions

of section 141, be released at any time on giving security in accordance with the terms of the 10 original order for the unexpired portion aforesaid to the Court or Magistrate by whom such order was made, or to its or his successor.

(9) The High Court or Court of Session may at any time, for sufficient reasons to be recorded in writing, cancel any bond for keeping the peace or for good behaviour executed under this Chapter by any order made by it, and District Magistrate, in the case of an order 15 passed by an Executive Magistrate under section 136, or the Chief Judicial Magistrate in

any other case may make such cancellation where such bond was executed under his order

or under the order of any other Court in his district.

(10) Any surety for the peaceable conduct or good behaviour of another person ordered to execute a bond under this Chapter may at any time apply to the Court making 20 such order to cancel the bond and on such application being made, the Court shall issue a summons or warrant, as it thinks fit, requiring the person for whom such surety is bound to appear or to be brought before it.

Section 143 of The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS):

Security for unexpired period of bond.

(1) When a person for whose appearance a summons or warrant has been issued under the proviso to sub-section (3) of section 140 or under sub-section (10) of section 142, 25 appears or is brought before the Magistrate or Court, the Magistrate or Court shall cancel

the bond executed by such person and shall order such person to give, for the unexpired portion of the term of such bond, fresh security of the same description as the original security.

(2) Every such order shall, for the purposes of sections 139 to 142 (both inclusive) be deemed to be an order made under section 125 or section 136, as the case may be.

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